Sunday, September 26, 2010

Catching up...

Viruses steer clear of the Kennington house..most years..however, this season, it knocked even me out. And, I am the woman that does not get sick. I just don't. I never really have. I can remember a couple times..count em..maybe 3, in my life that I was in bed really feeling under the weather. This last time I blamed it on allergies. Weed pollen was up and I spent 3 days outdoors on team with Discover and came home with minimal use of my vocal cords, stuffed sinuses that developed into a chest cold. So, although I feel better today, I am still coughing like a grandpa who smokes 4 packs a day..Ugghhh!

Ella..she too had it bad and it started last Friday. Not the one that just passed, but the one before that..I picked her up with fever, took her to see the doc and got an antibiotic and cough medicine, which was useless. By the next Friday, she was vomiting all day and when I say all day..I mean.. 11:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. every 25-30 minutes..OMGosh, it was horrible..for her and I. Not because I had to spend my 31st birthday surrounded by plastic bags and a convulsing baby..but that I could not make it stop.. I was so tormented by the fact that there was nothing I could do and she kept looking at me helplessly..

Daddy came home, didn't say much, took one look at her and me and packed us all in the car, took us to readi clinic and administered Emetrol to Ella. Literally, within 30 minutes, she was cured..I am so serious..she looked at me and said..oh, I am hungry! HA..I gave her some soup and called it a night..Over the weekend, her and Caleb both have been in and out of fevers and she really hasn't had much of an appetite which I attribute to Friday's episodes..

We said our prayers today that a healthy front covers our house, because I am so done being sick. Did I mention..I don't get sick?

Other than this, my days are filled with normal daily activities. My mileage is staying steady as I come through to being halfway through my training for the Seawall Half. I took Monday off work and am looking forward to getting in a 10 miler. I feel very confident that this experience is going to rock my world and I am excited..

One of my clients checked in on me the other day and it was such a nice surprise to know someone was thinking of how that part of my life was coming along..its tough to train alone..however..another great friend said to me the other week..when she used to train alone, she would invite people to run with her, in her mind she created a trail of friends to run by her side or imagined them along the pathway cheering her on..this works.. :)

Anyways..I know that I have not posted a whole lot over the last couple of months, but trust me, we are around and we are doing what we do best! Living and loving every single moment of life!

I hope that ya'll have a fantastic week!


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