Thursday, August 23, 2012

Remember When

Remember when I posted regularly to this blog and your daily updates of the Kennington household were a part of your normal blog reading schedule? Then, one day...a week, a month, 6 months goes by and not a word? Keeping up with the Kenningtons seemed like a thing of the past..Yes, that about sums it up. Have I gone non-existent for a reason you ask? None that I can really justify here..I will go on to say that raising a family, working full time, keeping up with activities, chores, and life is very time consuming. One thing that I always say I miss when I turn into a wayward blogger is writing. I spend a lot of time actually reading other people's stories and enjoy the enrichment that their experiences bring to my world. Especially when I can relate. For me it is more the knowing that whatever it is I am thinking, someone else has probably thought to or at some point challenged the same action that I have challenged myself... Over the last year my parents moved in and out of our home, we become seriously accustomed to shift work and the life of a Police Officer's family. We have made new friends and lost some. We have realized that the children are becoming even more independent than we prefer at this point, but are learning how to encourage and enrich their lives with the positive resources we have around us. A support network of loving friends and family nearby has helped us transition. Some amazing opportunities have also been given to us as well, but will be shared in separate blog posts. (yes, they are that exciting) What is happening now? We are prepping for school to start this next week. Most of our friends from out of state have already started or will be around the same time. After that, it is all uphill through Christmas! Wow, 2012 is flying by. So, before you say "Remember When" it was 2012, I will be back with more posts and pictures! It feels good to be back in the saddle. Happy going back to school weeks!

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