I aspire to inspire..because I have been inspired and now I run. I am really feeling free these days with this sport and I bought a t-shirt the other day that proudly announces-I am STRONG, I am MOTIVATED, I am DEDICATED, I am an ATHLETE. I wear it proudly at 5 a.m. and when it is covered in sweat and grime at sunrise I smile to myself knowing that I aspire to inspire and the reason I run is because I was

inspired. The fruits of my labor are an overflowing fountain of joy and satisfaction that I am Complete..I am DLT complete! (that is DU lingo if my DU family could hear me, they would high five and enthusiastically tell me that it is a GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVE!!) So.. news.. I am so inspired that I am seriously motivated to cross the finish line of this 1/2 marathon in November. Since I am a GO Big or Go home kind of gal, I decided to conquer a big mama jamma.. mostly because I can and I want the t-shirt! :) Wow, that was the same reason I joined the Navy sort of... (I actually told the CO at my first uniform inspection that the reason I joined the military was to learn how to march and to wear the uniform.. it was so classy looking.. still is.. anyways..)This past weekend I had the opportunity to get to know someone that I have actually known of for like 11 years. We sat with our kids by the pool and in between fetching boats and comforting boo boos from scratches obtained on the 1 ft. pool, I was able to pick her brain about the reality of running a full marathon. She ran Disney a couple years back. And she as well as everything that I read said it is all about mental focus and finding your zone and staying there. It is also about other runners, pacers, energy, and more importantly, training..So.. I am going to give it another thought before I register.. because that is how I have been rolling these days.. I mean why not??
Other news..Josh just put his package in to go to the Police Academy! He was hired as a paid recruit 3 years ago for Fort Bend County, but took another job instead. Recently, he inquired about obtaining that same offered position and discovered a world of opportunity to serve on the force! I absolutely stand behind him on this decision and have a soft spot for those serving on the force.. I was an MA for 3 years and know what kind of passion it takes to do that job..What a fantastic journey for him and I am so proud of his everlasting commitment to achieving what he wants!! Well, it is time to turn in, however, I expect that all of you will wake up tomorrow and say-" Thank You GOD for giving me another day to make a difference.. to inspire.. to live with my eyes wide open and experience the overflow of opportunity that surrounds me!" It is A GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVE!!
1 comment:
double woah! for you running the half and for Josh joining the force. Wow, so impressive.
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