Who doesn't like this scene from Rocky? For those of you who know me well, I thoroughly enjoy the Rocky Balboa movies.. all of them.. I am ultra non-girly when I watch these and any type of prison or war movies..must be the military man in me or something.. :) Some of my favorite flicks are the ones that the chicks usually frown upon..Anyways.. not my biggest point here.. this morning I was running and decided to try and find my focus, because as I have discussed running distance is almost all mental. If I plan to run 8 miles this weekend, I had better practice focusing on something besides the talk show playing on the radio in my ears...I know that there is training and fueling, and the right playlist and all that neat stuff (which I certainly enjoy), so.. I am running and I begin imagining myself in a long race complete with provided entertainment like fans cheering me on and super 80's hairbands just killing the electric guitar as I speed from telephone pole to telephone pole. All the right tunes were on too to support my effort of focusing on my morning run.. I mean who doesn't enjoy a cool remix version of Scorpions -Rock You Like A Hurricane?
Anyways.. the momentum picked up and my focus was on. I thought I had it until a dog startled me and I literally almost stumbled in the street..but then I found it again as I stared at the oncoming cars dazily and pretended they were the finish line! The cool part about that focal point is the cars were driving towards me so my goal was getting easier to reach. Randomness in my brain. I thought I would share one of the joys about my morning routine. Have a great Friday ya'll!
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