The other thing that happened this weekend was Josh's Officer Installation (as elected Senior Steward) Ceremony at the Lodge. If you know Josh and have experienced his company in the last several months, you would know that his persona has changed a great deal and much of it is due to his growing friendships with the men at the lodge. When we moved to Texas, there was an expectation that we would automatically fit right into the "swing of things" with built in friends, family, and Saturday afternoon activities. However, it has been 4 years now (as of a couple days ago) that we have lived here and just now are we discovering our own..coming into our own life and understanding that opportunities surround us wherever we reside...There was always something missing though.. Josh and I didn't have friends and especially Josh..needed some male counterparts to be around that were positive influential and mature men that could relate..honest relationships that last forever and are genuine. Josh found the masonic lodge and this is where he also found these friendships...
Some are skeptical of what a free mason is....when I asked this is what I was told and now after having the opportunity to be around the lodge, this is what I know...
A mason is a man who professes a faith in God. As a man of faith, he uses the tools of moral and ethical truths to serve mankind. A mason binds himself to like-minded men in a brotherhood that transcends all religious,ethnic, social, cultural, and educational differences. In fellowship with his brothers, a mason finds ways in which to serve his God, his family, his fellow man, and his country. A mason is dedicated, he recognizes his responsibility for justice, truth, clarity, enlightenment, freedom, liberty, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of human endeavor. A mason is all this and more..
I am so proud of Josh and the man he is and is continuing to become through the grace of God. Everyone needs a strong support in life, someone to trust, someone to talk to, and someone he knows will be there no matter what. I believe that God has entrusted these men to form a bond of integrity and genuine friendships that will last a lifetime. I am grateful.. I have included some photos from the ceremony. 

1 comment:
with blinders off going forward in truth with respect.. Love ya dad
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