So, I will start by saying that I woke up this morning early enough to get my five mile run in and comb 3 stores before work for packets of sunflower planting seeds, a newspaper and some masking tape for a project Caleb was doing at school. However, the seed part didn't quite work and I was uphauled with the corner store attendant informed me that the 7 page Tuesday Houston Chronicle was $1.00! Seriously?? I needed at least 5 for Caleb's school project, but refused to pay a buck each.. I mean when did the news get so expensive. I seem to recall that a newspaper at least during the week was around thirty five cents! Or maybe 50 cents..however, I purchased one and went on to Plan B. Free Greensheets at Food Town! Perfect and so brilliant of me until I arrived there in a rush and found nothing...absolutely nothing.. O-well.
I took my one newspaper and roll of tape proudly to the school and no one seemed to notice except for me. I was reminded once again to not be so hard on myself. My small contributions added to everyone elses small contributions allowed the children to have all the supplies they needed for the sunflower garden project they had planned that week. Whew! *joys of motherhood*
The excitement of my day did not end there as I skipped happily to work and crossed nearly everything off of my "to-do" list before attending my lunch appointment at the Cheesecake Factory.
When my appointment was over, I walked outside to find my van window smashed in, and the door frames of my van pryed open (attempted to be pryed open) but apparently my van is super strong and the burglars got frustrated and smashed my window instead. All they took was my garmin. Proudly displayed on a mount on my dash.. however not thinking that this was an invitation to ruin my vehicle for pawning pleasure...I went through the usual creepy violated emotions because I saw fingerprints, my personal belongings were rummaged through. The kid's stuff was inside.. all that..
Report was filed, van was dropped at dealer, insurance was called for an estimate and I am moving forward ... for at least 2 weeks minus one caravan. BUMS! I don't understand people who steal. The garmin is not the issue at all.. it is the principal of someone destroying someone elses car for their own selfish need...It is a circumstance and it is important for me to say that because I am such a strong believer in it. On the positive side, we will save some energy with one vehicle for a couple weeks!
The end of the day consisted of a homemade vegetarian pizza and a giant sundae. Nuff said.
P.S. The kids made me smile tonight and I have attached a couple recent pics that will make you smile too!
Here is to an anticipated wonderful Wednesday. :)

Oh Shelly, I am so sad to hear about your van. I completely understand what you mean about the principle of stealing. What an awful experience. I am glad you are alright, although I know that must have been a terrible ordeal. You stay positive through so much sister! I love you!!!
People wuncrho steal are losers with a big L on my forehead! Here's to a great rest of the week!!! Love ya.
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