Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Catch Up

It is a New Year, and I am so blessed to look at my left and see my sweet husband and look to my right and see my sweet children. 2009 posed some challenges for us as a family, but I am focused on 2010, a new beginning for many things.

I do know one thing is for sure after this Christmas that I will be embarking on handmade projects through out the year to give next Christmas. It was such a joy to let out my creative side full fledge and see the faces of my family and friends as I donned them with one of my treasures. :) I have however decided I must start very early!

One of my favorite projects was the patchwork quilt that I made from our outgrown clothes. The idea came from many years ago my mom made one for me. I gathered bags of clothes with her from a local thrift store and we spent hours cutting squares and she sewed them...that blanket is long gone and I thought she may treasure one of the kids clothes this year. I thought I had enough clothes, but soon found out that I could only get a max of 2 squares out of the kids clothes, so I added some of Josh's jeans and my clothes as well. I had enough squares then to make one for my mom and give it to her before she left and one for Sarah for Christmas..(I am still working on that one. :))

In any case, it was my favorite..

What else.. I start back to school tomorrow and looks like I am taking a couple Communications classes on effective essay writing and research as well as a critical thinking class. Should keep me nice and busy this block. Before I know it though, I will have them under my belt and it will be one semester closer to college graduation! (Ok, I know its like 3 years away..I can be excited now!)

This weekend, I believe we will be getting out those trusty paint brushes and embark on some freshening up of the bathrooms and bedrooms. We have gotten so busy over the last few months that our home projects fell to the wayside..

Other than that, all is well. I really, really, really need to stop procrastinating on getting my Kodak SD card so that I can get some photographs of what we have been getting into lately..

Have a very blessed week, will catch up again soon.

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