Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Singer Song Writer? Nope.. Singer Sewer..

So, I have a new found love. My Singer sewing machine. I spent alot of time yesterday sewing and found that I really enjoy doing it. I can cut and create! That of course makes me so excited since you all know I have embarked on a project frenzy. My friend Dani loves to sew her own creations and I thought to myself as I struggle to make straight seams on curtains or square pillows, this cannot be that hard and if I just take my time, I can do it! Like anything that I put my heart into, I successfully conquer. Don't be fooled, I am still the rookie who briefs the directions on loading the bobbin or threading the machine, but I have come along way since no-sew hems! A machine that helps me create! Look out world, I am gonna start sewing up everything in sight! As a matter of fact I was laughing with Josh the other day as we were driving home from Target with 2 bags full of new winter clothes for the kids, about how I get to clean out their closets again and make another blanket! Every 6 months I can make a new blanket and he said, "just think when the kids get to be teenagers, your quilts will be masterpieces with all that practice!" But, I certainly could not think of a better way to recycle.

I suppose it's a mom thing.. maybe a girl thing.. heck.. I am just plain gettin' crafty and I love it!

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