Tuesday, March 2, 2010

100th Post

Some kind of icon or something, I know pretty darn queer, but I must be excited about the fact that I have written 100 posts in Keeping Up With The Kenningtons! Since my first post life totally happened and it cracks me up to think that when I sat down that night to write it took me 3 hours to find an appropriate background and 5 minutes to post.

I have always enjoyed writing and reminiscing back on things that touched my life. The simplest things give my heart a jump start and when those happen, I want to share.. much of the reason I am a "blogger."

I am not necessarily talking mushy-gushy-lovey stuff... I also mean practical, which is more near my style these days. Practical home projects, practical parenting, practical cooking.. yah well you get the idea! :)
the kids 99 posts ago in July 2009...
August was just peachy, when we travelled to Efurds in Longview, possibly the best peaches in the U.S.A.! Can't touch Mema's peach cobbler!
September we celebrated birthdays..my princess turned 2...
I got to spend the day with my two sisters...

I made it to the big 3-OH!

October, was Caleb's 5th birthday and Halloween...

Giving thanks in November that I put some of my "domestic" skills to work in the creativity department. I also started college and prepared for Christmas... Mom was coming!

It had been 10 years since the last time I got to spend Christmas morning with my parents. What a joy...a treasured time.. :)

January and February went just as quickly with alot of action at the Kennington household. I can all of a sudden see how I wrote 99 posts to date.

Happy 100th birthday blog world!

Well, that's all for me tonight folks.. I am going to make it an early night and head off to dream world before 10. A rarity in our house! I look forward to writing another 100 posts this year! Thanks for "Keeping Up With The Kenningtons" :)


1 comment:

Nicki said...

Way to go sister! Here's to the next 100 posts!!!!! :)