I peeled out of my driveway this morning at 5:45, give or take a few minutes donning my headphones, a new running play list, a packet of GU, and a small water bottle. I was in pursuit of the ultimate Sunday morning challenge, an 8 mile run. Since beginning my running journey sometime in April, but seriously 19 days ago, I have been toying with the idea of running a 1/2 marathon. I did run a 5K on May 29th just to get an idea of what an organized run was all about, and since then, I was hooked. Now, I have decided if I am going to run that 1/2, I need to see what a serious longer run is all about....
So, here you go..
Began running mile 1 and the adrenaline of thinking about running 8 miles this morning was exhilarating. I knew that I could do it as long as I focused. At this point, I have only run a little over 5 miles a day..so thinking about adding that extra 3 miles was the challenge.
Mile 2 and 3 were normal pace and it felt really good to have an actual play list on my iPod. I purchased a Nano a couple of weeks ago and gave Josh back his older one, and haven't been able to update my iTunes to the 9.1 version until the other day, so I have been listening to the radio on it and as we all know there is no such thing as a "no talk radio show" and no such thing as playing "Shelly's favorite running play list" back to back... It is distracting for the most part to talk or be talked to while I am running. I have always been that way with exercise in general which is why music plays such a huge part of my training regimen.
Mile 4, I decided since I was half way I would eat the GU. I bought the orange flavored one a couple weeks ago when I was at Academy and thinking how cool it would be that if I actually ever did go on a long run, there was no doubt, I would want to try one of these.. so.. $0.99 later..and it has been sitting on my dresser, until today.

I think orange burst is the flavor my sweet sister in law suggested on her half, so I gave it a go. I don't know what I was expecting with this however, it was every bit of energy boost that I could have hoped for, as a matter of fact, probably better. I am convinced that this was the boost I needed just at the point that I was reaching my regular 5. (5 mile run)
Miles 5,6, and 7 literally flew by.. the sun was blazing hot though and I was wishing I had a towel. I also was glad that it was Sunday morning because where I ran, there wasn't a sidewalk for a good mile or so and although I run towards oncoming traffic, I wanted to make sure I did not become a road hazard during the last leg. At this point in my run, I thought alot more about how awesome I feel when I run, what it has done for my body and mind. I thought about when I was in the Navy and broke my leg while running and was told that I wouldn't run long distances again without tremendous pain. I thought about going to my pass and review in a wheelchair and how honored I felt at that moment that I had gotten there because I ran the rest of the way.. even though they told me to stop.
Life is like that for me now. I get my head wrapped around something and I focus on how to achieve what I want and then I do not take my eyes off the goal until it is mine. For me, it is the satisfaction of knowing that I will do whatever it takes.. I always have. I am a fighter..not a survivor..My circumstances do not define me, I define me.
Mile 8 was a sprint for the finish as my Nike Pro iPod coach says "400 hundred meters to go" and as the countdown began I thought..it's over? I did this..I REALLY FREAKING JUST RAN 8 FREAKING MILES!! Yes.. my friends, that is exactly what I was thinking..and just as my Nike Pro coach comes back on and says.."Congratulations you have reached your goal of 8 miles" I beamed...I was smiling from ear to ear, drenched in sweat.. I was in euphoria at that point..I was victorious and it FEELS SO GREAT! 

I may or may not have started singing the Rocky theme song right at that point!
I am certain now, it is official, I am a runner!
It's a Great Day To Be Alive Ya'll! Wake up and Get your run on!!
1 comment:
SISTER!!!!!!!!!! I am so stinkin' proud of you!!!!! Way to go!!! And it was so sweet to hear that you picked out an Orange GU. I hope it was ok... Mathis can't really stand the GU... it is different, but you seemed to handle it like a champ! Congrats on such a great accomplishment!!!
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