Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Well, we are off and into September, one of my favorite months :) I am a Libra, have recently learned of the pink and white sapphire collection (birthstone), and share my birthday month with my sweet daughter Ella Grace. This year I am turning the big 3-0h! Yes, 30, and although it has taken me some time to adjust to this milestone, I don't feel like it's a "Oh my gosh, I am not in my twenties" anymore kind of moment.

As a matter of fact, I have gotten the hang of parenting (with the help of Josh :)) two toddlers, figured out that sometimes you just have to say, "so what" and walk away, running/jogging is something that allows me time to regroup at the end of the day, it's a treat to pay someone else $20 once a month to mow the lawn for you, and the dishes will still be there in the morning...

In saying that, I am excited about this time in my life. .. there are alot of things happening around our world and if you know me, you know my motto, "change means new opportunities"

is something else that I will be partaking in this month! A treat in itself I hear. The way it works is you get nominated and someone will be assigned to getting you to make your day incredible by taking the Discover U challenge. The other thing I am usually up for is a challenge..I have been told to discard the chip on my shoulder and forget everything and anything that I may think I know or don't know that I may or may not have been taught in the military, this is all about me.

It is a weekend long program and designed to help people develop the tools that they already posses to create effective leaders and self-esteem. Of course this may be completely off, and the participants I have spoken to are leading me astray so that I can have my own experience. :) This could very well be the case.

That is all I know..I look forward to sharing my experiences here at the end of the month.

I think that about wraps it up for me, I will be around for the rest of the week and Friday, getting details ironed out completely for Ella's 2nd birthday brunch on Saturday. :)


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